Arrival in Sweden: check!

With surprisingly no complications or delays, Matt and I made it into Sweden with very few problems. Minus the fact that one of my wheels starting falling off on my massive suitcase and that we tend to just point at food items we want to buy when we get hungry - we're doing half decent. Our question of whether or not we need to learn Swedish was quickly answered after checking out the town of Karlskrona and finding that all of the signs are written in Swedish. I think our hostel is on Dropatinginthebucket road or something like that, so we may need to touch up on our Swedish over the next few weeks. For now we'll have to resort to hand signals and trying to communicate with numbers.

Now that we have got our stuff settled into the hostel, we're strolling around the town for a bit to get our bearings and then will hopefully try and get a good night's sleep after all the flying. We managed to feed ourselves, so that was a success. Tomorrow will be the real test though when we have to try and find a place to shelter us, soon we'll have all of our basic needs covered!

Well that's all of the major updates for now, we really have only been here for 2 hours so we can't have too many crazy stories yet - give us time though. We'll hopefully check in soon with updates on the housing search. Hope everything is well back in PA!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I google-earthed where you are!! Very cool. You seem to be far from the campus?? How many miles??
I was surprised that they serve lasagna in Sweden!! Kind of a funny first meal!
Talk soon, mom

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