Obama's heading to Copenhagen

Obama announced today that he will be traveling to Copenhagen for the climate change discussions after numerous complaints from other countries and environmentalists about his lack of committment to climate change. He will be arriving to the talks early on in the two week period, on Dec 9, which will hopefully create more movement in the discussions during the beginning stages, rather than waiting for the last day or two as often happens.

In addition, Obama has announced some targets for greenhouse gas emissions, despite the Senate not acting on the current bill.

"Mr. Obama will offer to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 17 per cent from 2005 levels by 2020, a 30 per cent reduction by 2025 and a 42 per cent drop by 2030, the White House said." (Times Online)

Obama's suggested targets are based on previous figures outlined in the House and Senate during the past year.

"In June, the House passed a bill calling for greenhouse gas reductions of 17 percent below 2005 levels. Last month, a Senate committee passed a measure calling for a 20 percent cut, but that is expected to be weakened as the legislation moves through other Senate committees and onto the floor, perhaps next spring." (New York Times)

This will hopefully put more pressure on countries like China and India to also put significant targets on their reduction levels. Only two weeks to go, we'll see where things go from here.


Vagogan said...

Of course, it'd still be better if he'd use 1990 as a baseline, like everyone else. Even though it does sound better this way...

I suppose we'll take what we can get. I'm glad he's going after all.

Spud Marshall said...

Ha I know, that was one of the first things I noticed as well. That's alright, he's at least trying to be consistent with what targets have already been suggested as likely to pass through the Senate.

Spud Marshall said...

I went and checked and it looks like 17% at 2005 equates to only 5% from 1990. Got to love playing with how numbers are delivered...

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